Friday, 16 November 2012

16th November - A Brand New Toy

I have a new toy in the garden, that up to now doesn't seem to impress the birds as much as it does me!  So far a robin has sat on, a long-tailed tit has flirted with it, and the wood pigeons just keep walking around it as if trying to work out how to get at the food.  This is my new ground feeding station with wire basket that allows me to control who goes in and gets the food, at the moment nobody!

The activity in the garden has increased with Long-tailed Tits, Coal Tits and Great Tits coming to the feeders, but the most significant are the Blue Tits, I have had a maximum count of nine at one time, which is the most I have ever seen.

I have put apples in the tree, by wedging them onto the branches, this is in the hope that maybe a [passing waxwing might decide to pop in for a snack!  The blackbirds have managed to knock on or two of the apples off, and are now feeding on them on the grass.

A Pied Wagtail watched the events from the roof top, again their numbers are increasing with four at one time on the roof.

The numbers of Starlings in the tree at the top of Reads Field has risen yet again, the latest count was of 62 on the 15th.

In less than a week the beautiful leaves that were on the acer trees have now all but gone, what a difference a few days can make at this time of year.

The main activity though has been the Blue Tits.  They have taken a liking to the apples, and have become very protective of them, squabbling over them from time to time.

The gloom descended and the blue tits would sit in the middle of the tree, and every so often visit an apple, it was as if the tree provided some cover.

I left them to it and went in hoping that the weather is not as bad as forecast for tomorrow.

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