Tuesday, 23 October 2012

22nd October - Well You Can Ride On the Crest of a Wave

Sunday was a a very dismal day with mist and rain all day, Monday did not appear much different it was damp but very mild.  The garden was quiet, and I considered there was not much going on.  However when I went for a run at lunch time I noticed that almost everywhere there were groups of calling Goldcrests.  I noticed them along the footpath from Reads Field up to Oak Green, and then all the way down Alton Lane, and up Gradwell and Brislands

Normally I wouldn't have bothered posting this, but after reviewing the various web sites around the area I found that there had been a significant movement of Goldcrests on the day, and for once it was nice to observe that Four Marks had also witnessed the events that were occurring on the hot spots of birding along the south coast.

The mist lingered all day, and became a right pain for any one wanting to fly out of London.

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