Incredibly the month of November is coming to an end, it has been a strange month with very mild temperatures and only two days of frost, one of which occurred this week. The garden has been very quiet, with only a little activity in the mornings. Just before dawn the Tawny Owls continue to call, but it is very difficult to locate where they actually are.
So to today, the forecast was for a calm day with unseasonable temperatures about 4 or 5 degrees above the average for the month. I set off early to walk most of the patch, I haven't been able to get out that much this month so today had to make up for it. As I walked towards Lymington Bottom the starlings that had just left the roost were taking the time to wake up at the top of the trees.
This time of year you do hear Robins singing, in fact as i woke up this morning I could hear one in the tree across the road from the bedroom window. However what you don't expect to hear is a Song Thrush singing, but as I turned down the road I could hear one above me, the familiar repetitive notes as loud as you like. I found the songster in the tree.
Song Thrush are early singers, but usually they start in late January, at this time of year they are normally seen foraging in the leaf litter under the hedges. As I walked on I could hear the song behind, but then I could hear another one in front of me. I turned up Brislands and saw another Song Thrush in full song on a TV aerial.
These birds obviously have been totally confused by the mild weather, the song declares territory, and then a mate. We need a cold snap quickly to turn all the body clocks back to normal. Right now the Song Thrush feel they have made it through the winter, they don't realise its not yet Christmas!
As promised it was a calm morning, but there was a little cloud about, the sun was up, and away to the east a lone Woodpigeon sat in the hedge with the morning sky glowing orange.
A little further on and I could hear yet another Song Thrush singing, it really is a crazy time. I stopped for a tit flock that was moving through the hedge. With them was a Chiffchaff, but it moved through quite quickly.
At the Rhododendrons I stooped to watch a pair of Goldcrests, but there was no sign of the Firecrests. I carried on to Old Down, and after assisting the truck driver negotiate his load of tree trunks past a badly parked car i headed into the wood. I walked to the crossroads, and then turned down towards the west end. For the first time the path here has been rutted and has become muddy. There was activity in the brambles and fallen trees, they were mostly Great Tits and Blue Tits, but there was also a Coal Tit that came down to drink in the puddles.
A pair of Marsh Tits then appeared but kept themselves a distance away.
The familiar call of a Great Spotted Woodpecker announced the arrival of one above. The view was not brilliant, but I managed to focus on it through the many branches.
After stopping for a short chat with a fellow walker, I headed down through the paddocks and out and up Andrews Lane. Another tit flock stopped me, this time it seemed as if they were unhappy about something in the ivy of a tree. The Great Tits were the noisiest, but despite getting good views of the Ivy I couldn't see anything that might be upsetting them. The Great Tits though continued to call from the tree close by.
There were Redwing and Fieldfare in the small orchard, and also a few Blackbirds. I could hear the Redwing and the Fieldfare but never saw them.
At the top of the lane Blackbirds now were making a lot of noise, and again I had a good look at the trees close to where they were upset. The Ivy again seemed to be the subject of their abuse but I couldn't see anything.
The field at the top of the Lane is now fenced properly. I can understand why there is a need for the fence to a degree, but to top it off with barbed wire is a bit too much for me.
Two weeks ago the field to the north was full of beetroot, today though it was full of sheep that had eaten the beetroot, clearly this is the strategy, as away in the distance sheep could be seen in another patch of the field.
The sky though looked impressive as the clouds were now clearing, and the sun was out.
I walked along Lye Way Road, it was quiet, but the sun felt quite warm on the back. If you were to ask anyone what month do we see the leaves change colour and the fall, people will probably say October. Around here though it is November when the colours arrive, and they can last into December. Lye Way was looking quite spectacular in the low November sunshine.
I expected Thrushes here, but there were none, the trees were empty, as was the hedgerow. I turned into Charlwood and walked south. At this time of year any dampness on the roads can dazzle, and this was definitely the case as I walked along the middle.
I made my way to the fallen tree in Plain Farm, but didn't stop for a break. There was a lot of activity amongst the fallen leaves, and in the trees. Despite a good search I could not find anything other than Chaffinches, this time last year Brambling were feeding here amongst he Chaffinches, but there was no sign of them today.
In the bare branches Nuthatches were having a right ding-dong. I could see three birds and there seemed to be a dispute over territory. The call were loud, and they also engaged in fights and chases.
I headed down the path, and then out on to the lane. I could hear the soft piping calls of Bullfinches but couldn't see them, all that showed in the hedge were House Sparrows and Dunnocks
I could hear Grey Partridge on the other side of the hedge, and bizarrely Mallard from beyond the cottages. At the barn I searched the bushes for birds, but found only more House Sparrows. As I scanned across the field I could see something drifting over the grass. It was a butterfly, and with bins I could see it was a Clouded Yellow. An amazing record, the weather clearly being the reason, a warm day with a light south easterly breeze, but I suspect this may be an insect that has recently emerged here after the parents arriving in the summer.
This is a poor record shot!
As I turned away from the field, a Small Tortoiseshell then flew past me, butterflies in late November do happen, but it is always a treat.
The Bullfinches then appeared, but quickly flew away behind the hedge. At a gap I was able to find this male in the bush, there were at least three females present too.
The partridges were still calling, and I found three in the middle of the field, who were then joined by another from the rough grass.
At the barns the roof was again popular. There was a Pied Wagtail, Dunnock and this Meadow Pipit that had found something of interest that had been attracted by the warmth of the roof.
Once again I could hear Fieldfare, and turned to see them pour out of the owl tree. This was the largest flock I have seen this winter. I counted 78, this being a small selection as they flew overhead.
I headed down past the barns, and then across the road to the quarry. A flock of Long-tailed Tits called as I walked up the hill, but my attention was taken once again by a superb male Bullfinch in front of me.
He didn't stay long and was gone the soft piping call the only reminder it was there. The Long-tailed Tits though were still about, and this one posed quite nicely.
I headed up the path, and then stopped to watch what looked like a white butterfly. It was in fact a female Brimstone, and it teased me as it fluttered around the Ivy, but never settled. It then headed off down the path towards the road.
I headed on towards the shed, where I stopped for a break. As I sat drinking coffee a Sparrowhawk flew low level over the grass past me, intent on attacking something. I left my camera on a box, and didn't get the chance for a picture which was very frustrating.
Outside the shed is a stone wall with Holly above it. This also faced South as was sheltered. As a result insects were about. There were flies and bees, but best of all a Hornet. Another butterfly appeared this time a Peacock, but it didn't stop.
I packed up and headed off, almost immediately I came across a Red Admiral, it looked pretty worst for wear, but was enjoying the sunshine.
A little further on, and I found another on the stone wall, this time a perfect specimen.
That was now five butterfly species for the day, you would be pleased with that count in April!
I walked the length of the wall and found three more Red Admiral. I then headed down through the park. The view away to the east looking splendid.
The ground was covered with Corvids and Woodpigeons feeding. Every so often they would fly up and move to the trees.
As I approached the copse I could see another butterfly, what is going on! This time it was another Brimstone, it didn't stop, but I did manage to get a better record shot!
I walked to the path thinking on a day last this it seemed strange not to see at least a Buzzard soaring. A Red Kite was also something that I felt should be about, but there had not be a sign of either. I don't know what made me turn, but I did to the call of a Jackdaw, and found it mobbing a Red Kite. I don't know where it had come from, maybe it had been in a tree.
The Jackdaw was persistent, and behaved like a fighter escorting a Russian bomber out of the air space. As the Kite turned so did the Jackdaw, giving a perfect display of wing man flying.
The Jackdaw succeeded in getting the Kite to fly away from the flock, but continued to track it closely as it flew away towards the house.
I decided to walk around the footpath, and after almost falling on one of the stiles, I made my way through the outside of Plash Wood. As I walked down a ride I could hear Bullfinch calling again, then another from the other side of the ride. Then a Sparrowhawk came hurtling down the path low. When it saw me it swiftly turned away and into the trees, the alarm calls continuing as it went from my sight. I find it amazing how the songbirds do manage to see this danger and relate it as danger and then call.
I came out onto the main path, and found at last a Buzzard over the distant trees.
Another appeared, and they soared and called above the field. I headed on, but stopped to scan across the field again. I could see what I thought was the Buzzard as the last time i had seen it was in this area. A closer look though and I could see it was Red Kite, and a different one to the one I had seen earlier, the head being a darker grey, and the tail feather a little more defined.
The Kite drifted away out of sight, and I then found the Buzzard sitting at the top of a tree in the Maryanne Plantation.
I walked through the farm, Chaffinches, Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipits were around the barns. I stopped to check the Owl box, there were signs of activity, but nothing showed. As I watched the box I could hear another Bullfinch, and it then appeared at the top of the hedge.
The gorse on the side of the path was in flower, yet another sign of this crazy weather.
And as I walked past it I could hear bees, and stopped to see the flowers covered in Honey Bees.
Looking down the path the afternoon sun was enhancing the remaining leaves on the Beech trees.
There were more aggravated Great Tits as I walked down the path, and again their anger was turned onto Ivy, but again I couldn't see anything. Looking back the moon was now quite high in the sky.
I crossed the road and took the bye way, then climbed up the hill to Kitwood Lane. The clouds in the sky were quite impressive as the sun was now dropping in the sky.
The walk long Kitwood was quiet, there were no thrushes on the corner, and it wasn't until I came down towards the school that I found some birds. A Group of Yellowhammers were calling from the tree, and then moving backwards and forwards from the field on the other side of the road.
At the school I could hear Redwing calling, but only managed to find this single bird
The holly and the ivy around the school is a good place to watch Goldcrests, there seems to be a regular little group hear. I stopped to watch them, and was treated to some lovely views in the late afternoon sunshine.
This one was very seasonable, but I still don't believe the wildlife knows it's Christmas!
As I walked home the Starlings were starting to prepare to roost. A group was gathered in the tree tops, and were singing away in the sunshine.
The House Sparrows too were collecting, again in preparation to roost, they were though a lot lower down.
I still had time to clear the leaves before it got dark, and it was still time for a Red Admiral to fly through the garden. The weather has been strange and totally unseasonable. It is as if the wildlife is not sure what to do, and I believe it requires an injection of cold weather to kick start the season. Where are the Lapwing? Even the Woodpigeon flocks have not arrived, Five butterfly species at the end of November, what is going on? Something has to happen and I hope it does soon.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Saturday, 22 November 2014
22nd November - Its Hard To Hold a Candle
November has not been a good month for posting. Due to the weather and work commitments (yes I know a pain!) I have not been able to get out much, so when the morning started relatively dry I decided to head out before the forecast rain arrived. It was dull grey and misty, and I knew straight away it would not be a day for spectacular photography, the ISO rating was cranked up, and never went below 1600 for the whole walk.
As I walked along Lymington Bottom I could see Jays in the tree tops along with Magpies. As I picked up the camera they all but one flew off.
Above me as I walked along Brislands I could hear the calls of Redwing, in the hedgerows there were also quite a few thrushes, but I couldn't identify them, assuming by the many calls that they were Redwing. Brislands still has quite a bit of colour left in the trees atht shape the avenue of the lane.
Then from the north a huge flock of well over a hundred Redwing appeared and headed over my head.
They continued over my head, and I estimated there had to be around 300 to 400 birds. One of the largest flocks of Redwing I have seen here in the autumn.
The Redwing moved through, and I noticed a large bird just above the trees following what would be the A31. It was a Red Kite but drifted away from me and disappeared behind the tree tops.
I walked up Brislands past the turn for Gradwell, there were plenty of Goldcrest calling from the conifers, and the sad piping song of a Bullfinch, but neither appeared. I then walked back and headed down Gradwell, and took the footpath towards Old Down. As I walked past the paddocks I could hear plenty of calls, and the first I could identify was a flock of Goldfinch feeding on the seed heads of the weeds in the grassy area at the back of the paddocks.
There is a gap in the hedge down the side of the field that would allow me a better view so I headed there. When I got there the birds were not in the field, but I could still hear Goldfinches and above them the seeps of Redwing. I found the Redwing in the hawthorn bushes, they appear to melt into the trees, and you can never really know how many there are until they fly out. This one though perched on a branch at the top of the tree.
It became clear that there were loads of Redwing, I could hear "seeps" and could see many birds breaking from the trees and flooding across the field in a huge flock. At one point I could hear Redwing singing, it was only a sub song but reminded me of the spring in Iceland this year, where Redwing were singing everywhere.
I walked on a little further in the hope of getting a good view, and then all of a sudden the Redwing burst from the hedge along with Goldfinches, and Yellowhammer.
I turned back and a single Yellowhammer called from the hedge. There were more deep in the hedge, but this one seemed to be quite happy out in the open.
It was misty, and there was a damp feel in the air, the November rain, never being far away. Out in the field there were Meadow Pipits calling, and higher above them Skylarks were calling as they passed overhead.
The grey clouds and the misty conditions seemed to highlight yellow in the field against the still colourful trees of Old Down.
I estimated at least 500 Redwing in the area, they just seemed to be everywhere, their calls sounding so loud in the mist, in the same way they do when you hear them on a November night as they pass unseen above you.
I made my way to Old Down in the hope that they may be something new. The wood though was very quiet, a single Wren called from within the fallen trees, and above a crow called and it echoed through the trees. I tried to get a picture of the crow in the Larch, but as is always the case the crow seems to be very alert, and as soon as I raised the camera it was off.
I thought I heard Goldfinches calling, and this may have led to other species, but I never found them, and the tops of the Larches remained empty, as they have for two winters now.
I walked to the perimeter path, and looked west towards Ropley. The sheep in the field were being attended to by Jackdaws, this one seemed to be inspecting the Sheep's ear.
The Jackdaws behave around the sheep like Ox-Peckers on the game in Africa, pecking at the pelts It seemed that only certain sheep would tolerate the Jackdaws, and the birds knew which ones, these sheep were more than happy for the Jackdaws to perch on their backs or heads.
I made my way out of the wood and headed towards the pond. Looking down Kitwood Lane it had a similar feel to Brislands with the trees still holding on to their leaves.
At the pond the water was covered in leaves, and the surrounding trees were reflecting in the water.
I walked around the pond, searching the muddy margins and edges in the hope of flushing something, but only succeeding in scaring a Moorhen. In amongst the grass and bare branches a single Herb Robert flower hung on to the summer.
Despite my extensive searching I found nothing at the pond, and there were no calls from th trees. As I walked down the lane I noticed two Mistle Thrushes at the top of a tree lining the field, and with them were several Redwing, they seemed to be everywhere today
I walked down to the end of the lane, and made my way to the trees at Thrush Corner. True to its name another huge flock of Redwing burst from the hawthorn bushes, easily another 200 birds, and with them several Fieldfare, announcing their presence with their unmistakable call.
The thrushes flew off and away from me, but as I watched them a Great Spotted Woodpecker called, and I turned to find it as usual at the top of the tree.
It then flew to a thicker branch and adopted a more typical woodpecker pose.
In the distance I could see the Thrushes flying around, and then one flock broke off and headed towards me, mostly Redwing, there were though a few Fieldfare, and one flew close over my head, unfortunately the conditions don't help this photograph, but you can see it is a Fieldfare.
The area was becoming quite busy, a tit flock moving through that included several Goldcrests, this one buzzing around the lichen on the branch.
I turned back and walked down past the school. The rain had started up again, but was only a drizzle, but this at this time of the year can turn into something persisitent.
As I reached the five ways junction I could see a tree covered in Rooks and Jackdaws. hey were using the tree to rest after feeding in the field, birds could be seen flying into increase the numbers in the tree top.
I headed up Gradwell, and then took the footpath to Lymington Bottom. With so many Redwing about I knew that this would be like a magnet to them as there is a line of hawthorn trees covered in berries. Sure enough as I walked up the hill the Redwing burst from the trees.
Many flew off, but this one let me get a reasonable photograph.
I walked down the footpath, I remembered the Woodcock I flushed last year, but this year there was nothing other than the Redwing passing overhead.
I made my way home, and as I turned into Lymington Rise a flock of Long-tailed Tits flew through, this one stopping in the tree close to me.
As I got home the rain started once again, and I had timed the walk just right. I was now off to see the Wizard
As I walked along Lymington Bottom I could see Jays in the tree tops along with Magpies. As I picked up the camera they all but one flew off.
Above me as I walked along Brislands I could hear the calls of Redwing, in the hedgerows there were also quite a few thrushes, but I couldn't identify them, assuming by the many calls that they were Redwing. Brislands still has quite a bit of colour left in the trees atht shape the avenue of the lane.
Then from the north a huge flock of well over a hundred Redwing appeared and headed over my head.
They continued over my head, and I estimated there had to be around 300 to 400 birds. One of the largest flocks of Redwing I have seen here in the autumn.
The Redwing moved through, and I noticed a large bird just above the trees following what would be the A31. It was a Red Kite but drifted away from me and disappeared behind the tree tops.
I walked up Brislands past the turn for Gradwell, there were plenty of Goldcrest calling from the conifers, and the sad piping song of a Bullfinch, but neither appeared. I then walked back and headed down Gradwell, and took the footpath towards Old Down. As I walked past the paddocks I could hear plenty of calls, and the first I could identify was a flock of Goldfinch feeding on the seed heads of the weeds in the grassy area at the back of the paddocks.
There is a gap in the hedge down the side of the field that would allow me a better view so I headed there. When I got there the birds were not in the field, but I could still hear Goldfinches and above them the seeps of Redwing. I found the Redwing in the hawthorn bushes, they appear to melt into the trees, and you can never really know how many there are until they fly out. This one though perched on a branch at the top of the tree.
It became clear that there were loads of Redwing, I could hear "seeps" and could see many birds breaking from the trees and flooding across the field in a huge flock. At one point I could hear Redwing singing, it was only a sub song but reminded me of the spring in Iceland this year, where Redwing were singing everywhere.
I walked on a little further in the hope of getting a good view, and then all of a sudden the Redwing burst from the hedge along with Goldfinches, and Yellowhammer.
I turned back and a single Yellowhammer called from the hedge. There were more deep in the hedge, but this one seemed to be quite happy out in the open.
It was misty, and there was a damp feel in the air, the November rain, never being far away. Out in the field there were Meadow Pipits calling, and higher above them Skylarks were calling as they passed overhead.
The grey clouds and the misty conditions seemed to highlight yellow in the field against the still colourful trees of Old Down.
I estimated at least 500 Redwing in the area, they just seemed to be everywhere, their calls sounding so loud in the mist, in the same way they do when you hear them on a November night as they pass unseen above you.
I made my way to Old Down in the hope that they may be something new. The wood though was very quiet, a single Wren called from within the fallen trees, and above a crow called and it echoed through the trees. I tried to get a picture of the crow in the Larch, but as is always the case the crow seems to be very alert, and as soon as I raised the camera it was off.
I thought I heard Goldfinches calling, and this may have led to other species, but I never found them, and the tops of the Larches remained empty, as they have for two winters now.
I walked to the perimeter path, and looked west towards Ropley. The sheep in the field were being attended to by Jackdaws, this one seemed to be inspecting the Sheep's ear.
The Jackdaws behave around the sheep like Ox-Peckers on the game in Africa, pecking at the pelts It seemed that only certain sheep would tolerate the Jackdaws, and the birds knew which ones, these sheep were more than happy for the Jackdaws to perch on their backs or heads.
I made my way out of the wood and headed towards the pond. Looking down Kitwood Lane it had a similar feel to Brislands with the trees still holding on to their leaves.
At the pond the water was covered in leaves, and the surrounding trees were reflecting in the water.
I walked around the pond, searching the muddy margins and edges in the hope of flushing something, but only succeeding in scaring a Moorhen. In amongst the grass and bare branches a single Herb Robert flower hung on to the summer.
Despite my extensive searching I found nothing at the pond, and there were no calls from th trees. As I walked down the lane I noticed two Mistle Thrushes at the top of a tree lining the field, and with them were several Redwing, they seemed to be everywhere today
I walked down to the end of the lane, and made my way to the trees at Thrush Corner. True to its name another huge flock of Redwing burst from the hawthorn bushes, easily another 200 birds, and with them several Fieldfare, announcing their presence with their unmistakable call.
The thrushes flew off and away from me, but as I watched them a Great Spotted Woodpecker called, and I turned to find it as usual at the top of the tree.
It then flew to a thicker branch and adopted a more typical woodpecker pose.
In the distance I could see the Thrushes flying around, and then one flock broke off and headed towards me, mostly Redwing, there were though a few Fieldfare, and one flew close over my head, unfortunately the conditions don't help this photograph, but you can see it is a Fieldfare.
The area was becoming quite busy, a tit flock moving through that included several Goldcrests, this one buzzing around the lichen on the branch.
I turned back and walked down past the school. The rain had started up again, but was only a drizzle, but this at this time of the year can turn into something persisitent.
As I reached the five ways junction I could see a tree covered in Rooks and Jackdaws. hey were using the tree to rest after feeding in the field, birds could be seen flying into increase the numbers in the tree top.
I headed up Gradwell, and then took the footpath to Lymington Bottom. With so many Redwing about I knew that this would be like a magnet to them as there is a line of hawthorn trees covered in berries. Sure enough as I walked up the hill the Redwing burst from the trees.
Many flew off, but this one let me get a reasonable photograph.
I walked down the footpath, I remembered the Woodcock I flushed last year, but this year there was nothing other than the Redwing passing overhead.
I made my way home, and as I turned into Lymington Rise a flock of Long-tailed Tits flew through, this one stopping in the tree close to me.
As I got home the rain started once again, and I had timed the walk just right. I was now off to see the Wizard
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